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bit stream中文是什么意思

用"bit stream"造句"bit stream"怎么读"bit stream" in a sentence


  • 功放还支持比特流数字
  • 码流,比特流
  • 数码流,位元流
  • 位流, 比特流


  • Designing mpeg2 bit stream transmission card
  • A bit stream control mechanism is introduced to maintain the data rate after the embedding manipulation
  • Engineering teams can use these systems to supply real - time h . 32x bit streams for endpoint analysis of their products during development
  • But it surfers from inversion of the converted bit stream and low conversion rate caused by long fiber ring cavity
  • Even when you are already using encryption , macs are an excellent way to ensure that the encrypted bit stream is not maliciously modified in transit
    即使您已经使用了加密, mac也是一种确保加密位流在传输中免遭恶意修改的极佳方法。
  • Digital video is compressed to bit stream in encoder block , chip mb86390 is kernel in this block , fpga is used to controlling and it assists mb86390 to encode
    编码块实现了视频的mpeg - 2压缩编码,芯片mb86390是编码块的核心, fpga主要作系统控制用,辅助mb86390完成编码过程。
  • Digital audio broadcasting is a robust form of broadcasting using digital compression technology to deliver audio , text , pictures and data in a binary bit stream
  • Digital audio broadcasting ( dab ) is a robust form of broadcasting using digital compression technology to deliver audio , text , pictures and data in a binary bit stream
  • Compare the performance of various manufacturers codecs , including coded video bit stream syntax verification , continuous real - time histogram of video code types , and calculated performance parameters
  • Traditional error control technologies consider videos as long bit streams , ignoring the underlying semantic information and perform error control in a way as signal processing
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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